Authorised Exam Centre

Cambridge English


Authorised Exam Centre

Cambridge English

Registration for the exam

BEC Higher


The BEC exams are closely linked to the levels of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. In order to pass the BEC Higher exam, candidates must have a C1 (advanced) level of English

  • Why take the BEC Higher exam


    Each candidate receives a written report showing the results achieved in each part of the examination. If you pass the exam, you will receive a Cambridge English Language Assessment certificate that is valid for life.

  • Content of the exam


    Aimed at students who have gained or are gaining business and administrative experience. Listeners at this level should be able to handle more complex sentence structures and demonstrate knowledge of a large vocabulary. This level is equivalent to C1.

    Reading (1 hour)

    The reading section contains various types of business-oriented texts such as articles, reports, advertisements, catalogues, letters. The candidate completes tasks that include combining options, selecting from multiple choices, completing with or without options, and editing text.
    Reading accounts for 25% of the total score.

    Writing (70 minutes)

    Candidates write two texts, the first of 120-140 words, in the form of a message or email, based on some input in the form of graphs or tables. For the second text, which must be 200-250 words, the candidate can choose a topic from a number of options, such as a report or proposal (in the form of a note or e-mail), business correspondence (letter, fax or e-mail).
    Writing accounts for 25% of the total score. Both texts have an equal share.

    Listening (40 minutes)

    This part of the exam tests the ability to understand spoken language in a variety of situations and to understand the main topic, detailed information, context, and opinions of people.
    Listening accounts for 25% of the total score.

    Speaking (16 minutes)

    The candidate's reactions, comparisons, expressions of agreement or disagreement, and ability to reason and compromise with the examiner and the other candidate on topics of a business nature are tested. This part of the examination includes a short presentation on a business topic, which the candidate chooses on the spot from the three options offered, questions on the other examinee's presentation and a discussion with the other examinee on the business topic to find a solution.
    Speaking accounts for 25% of the total score.

  • Rating


    The pass mark for the exam is 180 out of 210 points from all parts of the exam combined. Candidates who achieve a score of 160-179 will be awarded a B2 level certificate.

    200 -210 = Pass at Grade A (Corresponds to the level C2.)
    180 - 199 = Pass at Grade B and C
    160 - 179 = Level B2 (Candidate receives a B2 level certificate.)
    0 - 159 = Fail

    For more, see this document.

  • Information materials and sample test


    Flyer: here
    Handbook for teachers: here
    Information for candidates: here

    Sample test: Reading; Writing; Listening; L-Pt1; L-Pt2; L-Pt3
    Assignment of the oral part: here

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